DayZ Chernarus Map

The Chernarus map is the setting for DayZ, a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game. The map is based on a real-world country the Czech Republic and is one of the largest maps in DayZ. It features a wide variety of terrain, from forests to farmland, and is dotted with small towns and villages.

What Is The DayZ Chernarus Map?

Chernarus was one of the first maps to be released for  DayZ and has been a popular choice for players since the game's early days. It offers a good balance between exploration and combat, and its varied landscape makes it an interesting place to play. There are many things to see and do in Chernarus, making it an ideal map for those who want to spend hours exploring its world.

  • 225 km2 is the size of the map.
  • Eight cities total
  • Thirty-nine villages are there.
  • There are six military outposts.

Chernarus Map

The original map from the zombie survival shows that DayZ is still in high demand. Its DayZ Chernarus Map features large cities and small towns with many forest and military locations. The Chernarus Map covers 225 square kilometers; however, it is divided by the ocean in the south and east. It is around 160 square kilometers of the playable area accessible. The spawn points are situated along the coast, and new players can find loot in larger cities and meet many players.

Where To Find The Most Valuable Loot On Chernarus?

The most valuable loot in DayZ Chernarus lies away from the cities. The coastline is rapidly by new players as well as new blooms. In the interior, more items, particularly the military bases and airports and the sites where helicopters crash, provide the most valuable loot to players.

What Are The Best Towns in Chernarus?


Numerous villages border Cherno, located in the south, and thus have plenty of space to collect loot. Cherno is also a great focal location for PvP, where several players gather.


The shipwreck, located eight kilometers south on the map, is not seen by gamers. This makes it ideal for storing certain items inside an underwater chest.


Zelenogorsk is situated in the southwest region of the map but further into the interior. Nearly 2.3 km to the northwest is a military base that screams at Loot.

Phil’s Grave

The tiny grave, located close to the wreck, is an honor to Phil, an ex- DayZ player who tragically passed away in a crash. It was initially an accident site for helicopters; however, the developers decided to preserve the memories of one of the original DayZ players.

Poisoner’s Bench

Another memorial site created to honor Jen, the DayZ player, is dedicated to Jen, who is well-known for her streamer's nickname Poisonantler. It's located on a hill and has an antenna on its top.

Paradise Rock

Next comes Paradise Rock, a small island with a tiny forest. The area is in between the mainlands along with Rocky Island. This is ideal for hiding caches or even for establishing a tiny base. Other players rarely visit this location because there are no loot sources inside.

Witch Ring

The final hidden spot on this list is called the Witch's Ring, which has an elongated stone circle and an assortment of sticks in the middle. What makes this unique and creepy is that the pile of sticks is reminiscent of a person's body.

Radio Station

Although the location isn't that secretive, there is an air vent in the area that is difficult to get access to. The only way you can get into it is via an alarm tower, a truck, or even a power-up provided by other players. This tiny hole is great for hiding stashes or ambushing players without knowing its existence.

Props To The Level Designers

The original designers of Chernarus did an excellent job of creating a map that would be both fun to play and would offer a unique experience. It is an iconic map! It is one of the largest maps in DayZ and features a wide variety of terrain, from forests to farmland. This makes it an ideal choice for players who want to spend hours exploring its world. There are many things to see and do in Chernarus, making it an ideal map for those who want to spend hours exploring its world.

Thank you for reading! I hope this article has helped you learn more about the Chernarus map in DayZ.

Published by Sardar Adil on September 06, 2022
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