What is Minecraft Archeology?

Minecraft has come a long way since its release in 2011, with new features and updates added regularly. The latest addition to the game is Minecraft archeology, which has piqued the interest of players worldwide. But what exactly is Minecraft archeology, and how does it work?

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about Minecraft archeology. From what it is and how to get started to the benefits and drawbacks, we'll leave no stone unturned. Let's get started.

What is Minecraft Archeology?

Minecraft archeology is a new feature that allows players to explore ancient ruins and uncover treasures. It was first introduced in the Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update and has since become a popular aspect of the game.

Players can discover archeological dig sites throughout the game, where they can use brushes and other tools to unearth artifacts and blocks. These blocks can be used to create decorative items, such as pottery and vases, or sold to traders for emeralds.

How to Get Started with Minecraft Archeology

If you're eager to get started with Minecraft archeology, there are a few things you need to do first:

  1. Update Minecraft: The archeology feature is only available in Minecraft version 1.17 or later. If you haven't updated your game yet, now is the time to do so.

  2. Find an Archeological Dig Site: Once you've updated your game, you'll need to explore the world to find an archeological dig site. These sites can be found in deserts, badlands, and swamps.

  3. Collect the Right Tools: To excavate the dig site, you'll need a brush and a trowel. You can craft these items using sticks and materials found throughout the game.

  4. Start Excavating: Once you have your tools, you can start excavating the site. Use your brush to carefully remove the dirt and uncover any artifacts or blocks.

  5. Analyze the Artifacts: After you've collected the artifacts, you'll need to analyze them to determine their value. You can do this by placing them in a bundle and using a spyglass to zoom in on the details.

Benefits of Minecraft Archeology

Minecraft archeology offers several benefits to players, including:

  1. New Decorative Items: The artifacts and blocks you uncover can be used to create new decorative items, such as vases, pots, and blocks.

  2. Trading Opportunities: You can sell the artifacts and blocks to traders for emeralds, which can be used to purchase other items.

  3. Historical Interest: Minecraft archeology adds an educational element to the game, allowing players to learn about ancient civilizations and cultures.

Drawbacks of Minecraft Archeology

While Minecraft archeology is an exciting new feature, there are some drawbacks to consider, including:

  1. Limited Sites: Archeological dig sites are limited, which means players may have to travel far to find a site.

  2. Time-Consuming: Excavating a site can be time-consuming, especially if you're looking for valuable artifacts.

  3. Risk of Destruction: Excavating a site can also lead to its destruction, which may not be appealing to some players.


Q: Can you use Minecraft archeology in multiplayer mode? A: Yes, Minecraft archeology can be played in both single-player and multiplayer modes. However, it's important to note that excavating a site can be time-consuming and may require cooperation from other players.

Q: Are there any special requirements for Minecraft archeology? A: To play Minecraft archeology, you'll need to update your game to version 1.17 or later. You'll also need to have a brush and trowel, which can be crafted using materials found in the game.

Q: What kind of artifacts can you uncover in Minecraft archeology? A: Minecraft archeology allows players to uncover a variety of artifacts, including pottery shards, ancient debris, and fossils.

Q: Can you use the artifacts and blocks for anything besides decoration? A: Yes, some artifacts and blocks can be used for other purposes in the game. For example, ancient debris can be used to create Netherite ingots, which are used to create some of the strongest armor and tools in the game.


Minecraft archeology is a fascinating new feature that adds a historical element to the game. With the ability to explore ancient ruins and uncover treasures, players can learn about different cultures and civilizations while also creating new decorative items and trading opportunities.

While there are some drawbacks to consider, such as limited sites and time-consuming excavations, the benefits of Minecraft archeology far outweigh the drawbacks. If you're looking for a new adventure in Minecraft, give archeology a try and see what treasures you can uncover.

Published by John Williams on February 27, 2023
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