Battlefield Hardline Weapons Guide

We make an exclamation point, you should choose the best weapon for your particular way of playing, and we suggest you play as many combinations out as you can at the beginning of the game to determine which one you like best. However, once you've spent a lot of time in multiplayer, we believe you won't be disappointed by matching the following guns with the appropriate class.

Battlefield Hardline Weapon Suggestions

These suggestions can be particularly beneficial if you wish to experiment with another class from the one you're familiar with. You'll know what weapon you should equip to ensure that you don't go into battle entirely in a state of confusion.

The Operator - M416


This is the most powerful gun available in the Operator class regarding the statistics. However, to get it into use as a Cop player, you'll need to obtain the License Assignment M416. This is accomplished by achieving 1,250 kills playing as the Criminal, which should not take too long.

The M416 is a fantastic all-around gun that is much more precise than the standard R0933. It is faster in terms of fire, can do more damage, has better range, and is more accurate. Install a suppressor on this the first time you have the chance, and you'll be able to use it for most scenarios.

The Mechanic - MP5K or MPX


In this case, we're playing a bit of a game by suggesting two guns, but truthfully, they're identical. For the Criminal group, the MPX needs the License Assignment. So you'll have to earn 1,250 kills to get the gun. The MP5K is great for close quarters. The same stats apply to the MPX; however, it comes with an increased rate of fire and a smaller distance, which means it's ideal for tight areas with lots of foes. As with all guns, it is recommended to put a suppressor when you've enough money to purchase one.

The Enforcer - 870p Magnum or SCAR-H


There are two distinct types of guns, and your choice is based on your preference to play in an Enforcer class. This 870p Magnum gun is an excellent shotgun available to both factions. It's a good range and can do damage when it comes to injury. It's useful for tearing down walls within The Block map, too. If you're not looking to shell out a lot of cash on other guns, the 870p Magnum will always be reliable.

If you're looking to use your Enforcer with a bit more tactical depth, keep it to medium-range attacks and take advantage of the SCAR-H. It's not a great rate of fire, so it's not ideal for a battle close; however, it can do serious damage and is precise over a long distance. This is the weapon for those who prefer to run around the buildings and shoot outside rather than attack them from the inside and engage in close combat. You'll have to complete the License Assignment for it to be used in conjunction with the Criminal class, so start ready to kill 1,250 as a cop.

The Professional - R700 LTR


In the case of sniper rifles, we choose Bolt Action every time since one shot should be enough to knock down an opponent. There are a few good Semi-Auto Sniper rifles available however they cause much less harm than Bolt Action and usually take more than one bullet to kill. It's counterproductive to shoot from a distance; we're looking for one shot, one kill.

The R700 LTR will be available to those in the Cop faction. However, Criminals need to be able to unlock it using an Assignment of License. If you cannot wait to open it, you can use it instead. Scout Elite in a pinch. However, it's not the most effective Sniper rifle available in the game and should be used only to fill in the gaps.

Published by Sardar Adil on October 07, 2022
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