How to Buy Old School Runescape Accounts

Purchase of OSRS accounts is an excellent method to avoid the hassle of playing this well-known MMORPG. If you need more time or energy to advance your skills or complete RuneScape missions, purchasing an OSRS account is a wise option. The game's player base has been growing over the past few years, and the game's developer ensures the game is regularly updated, which is why a premium account could be a good investment for you.

Buying RS Accounts

As easy as it is to purchase or sell OSRS gold, purchasing an actual RuneScape account online is challenging, with all the fraudsters and fake sellers entering the OSRS market for accounts. How do you safely acquire the best RuneScape account?

These are the things to look for when locating the perfect OSRS accounts seller.


If you're purchasing an account from an online seller on an online gaming forum or social media platform, it is vital to do your research by checking reviews on the internet. It can be challenging for "one-time" sellers who sell one account. Therefore, we strongly recommend purchasing OSRS accounts through a reputable company instead. There are a variety of RuneScape gold websites today that offer OSRS accounts available for sale. It's also simple to review the reviews of customers that they've had in the past. It is also possible to search gaming forums, such as Sythe, and find out what others say about the OSRS accounts sellers. Only work with sellers who have had feedback from their customers before.


A top-quality OSRS account isn't going to be inexpensive. If you come across a bill that has good performance but is being sold at just a few dollars, it's likely fraudulent. A RuneScape player would only sell their account for a couple of dollars, especially if the accounts are trained by hand, have the right skills, and are stocked with premium products. Also, beware of buying accounts from countries engaged in heavy trade in real-time, like China or Venezuela. These nations are known to make RuneScape accounts quickly and employ bots to help them level their bills rapidly. You'll be able to avoid hassle and money by purchasing accounts from Europe or the US and Europe.

Fraud Protection

It's well-known how simple it is to get back the OSRS account. It's why it's more challenging to purchase OSRS accounts than buy RuneScape things or gold. Some sellers will let you purchase the account and allow you to play for time, then take funds from players and create them to appear as if someone else has hacked the account. This is why we strongly recommend using reputable RuneScape account sellers. People with a reputation to safeguard should be your first choice if you require an OSRS account, as committing fraud could result in the loss of their business. A reliable site that offers OSRS accounts that do not have registered email addresses and no recovery options is Problems. This is a fantastic option since you cannot ensure that anyone can retrieve your user's account.

Buying Conclusion

Our guide on how to buy old-school RuneScape accounts has been helpful. You now have the information required to purchase a top-notch account. Always feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.

Published by Jack Gibson on March 02, 2023
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