Vote for Endstation Ödland

Endstation Ödland

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Willkommen auf Endstation Ödland – Dein ultimativer SCUM-RP-Server!
Hast du das Zeug, in einer rauen, aber lebendigen Welt zu überleben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Endstation Ödland bietet dir ein einzigartiges RP-Erlebnis mit spannenden Quests, High-Loot-Zonen und einem aktiven Admin-Team, das dich auf deinem Abenteuer begleitet.

🔥 Was erwartet dich?
🌙 Optimierter Tag-Nacht-Zyklus – Auch nachts bleibt die Sicht angenehm
⚡ Skill-System x8 – Entwickle dich schneller und werde zum Überlebens-Experten
💰 High-Loot-Zonen – Plündere epische Beute in der verstrahlten Zone oder der Airbase

🏡 Das RP-Dorf – Dein sicherer Hafen!
🏛 Bürgerbüro mit spannenden Spieler-Quests für mehr Tiefgang
🛏 Bed & Breakfast – Neulinge wohnen die erste Woche kostenlos
🏠 Mietbare Einzel- & Doppelzimmer für dein eigenes Zuhause
🚗 Autohaus mit exklusiven Fahrzeugen (keine NPC-Händler, nur Fundstücke oder Kauf hier!)
🍲 Selbstbedienungs-Küche mit allem, was du zum Kochen brauchst
♻ Tauschschränke & Zeltplatz für clevere Überlebenskünstler
🩺 Dr. Sommer – dein Arzt für physische & psychische Leiden

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How Does Voting Work?

Endstation Ödland Voting Page

A SCUM voting page is a website where users can go to vote for their favorite SCUM servers. By doing so, they can help those servers increase their ranking on server lists, and earn rewards such as in-game items or currency.

How To Vote For A SCUM Server

To vote for a server, users simply need to click on the "Vote" button above on the server's listing. You must enter a short captcha to verify that you are a human.

Once they have done so, they will be taken to a confirmation page where they can claim their rewards. Rewards are typically given out instantly, but some servers may have a delay in giving them out.

Why You Should Vote On A SCUM Server

Voting for a server helps it become more popular, and in turn, attracts more players. This can lead to an increase in donations and other forms of support for the server. Additionally, it helps promote the server to other potential players who may not have otherwise heard of it.

In return for their votes, players often receive in-game rewards such as items, currency, or experience. Some servers also give real-life prizes to voters, such as gift cards. Voting is a great way to show your support for your favorite servers, and can help them out in a big way!