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Rank 16743.
Status offline

Players 0/0
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check Pinging disabled.
Country United States
Version 1.17
Types Survival
Owner Luke
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CraftYourTown – The most advanced Towny Server

What makes us unique?
🌎 Earth Map & Regular Overworld (Take your pick!)
🔋 Slimefun (Exactly like a modpack, but serverside, no downloads required!)
💸 Player-based Economy
⛏ Custom Items and abilities
👿 The Demon Tower (Custom boss fights with armor upgrades as rewards!)
🙌 Daily Pinata Party event! (Punch the pinata for rewards!)
🔮 Player Warps and advertising slots
✔️ Custom Texture/Resource Pack
🤑 Custom Lottery
🏦 Custom Bank with interest (Free money!)
💷 Balanced Economy
👷 Balanced Jobs
🌆 Many Beautiful Towns to join
🗓️ Weekly Minigame Events for in-game rewards
🙌 Community Orientated (Have your say!)
🔫 Tons of Slimefun Add-ons (More mod-pack items!)
✨ Tiered Armor (Armor with rarities and enchants based on this)
🧟 Custom Mobs (Custom Mobs will roam the wild!)
📗 Custom Enchantments
⚒️ Custom Lucky Blocks with rarities (Achieved from breaking blocks, rewards based off rarity!)
🛒 Tons of Player Shops (Buy anything you may need!)
🏆 Leaderboard Room (Show the best of the best off at spawn!)
🐄 Golden Lasso (Lasso mobs into their respective egg form! Keeps all metadata)
🎄 Seasonal Serverwide Events
📚 A fully fledged Wiki with all the answers you need!
.. and that's just Towny. Skyblock will release later this year.


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CraftYourTown – The most advanced Towny Server

What makes us unique?
🌎 Earth Map & Regular Overworld (Take your pick!)
🔋 Slimefun (Exactly like a modpack, but serverside, no downloads required!)
💸 Player-based Economy
⛏ Custom Items and abilities
👿 The Demon Tower (Custom boss fights with armor upgrades as rewards!)
🙌 Daily Pinata Party event! (Punch the pinata for rewards!)
🔮 Player Warps and advertising slots
✔️ Custom Texture/Resource Pack
🤑 Custom Lottery
🏦 Custom Bank with interest (Free money!)
💷 Balanced Economy
👷 Balanced Jobs
🌆 Many Beautiful Towns to join
🗓️ Weekly Minigame Events for in-game rewards
🙌 Community Orientated (Have your say!)
🔫 Tons of Slimefun Add-ons (More mod-pack items!)
✨ Tiered Armor (Armor with rarities and enchants based on this)
🧟 Custom Mobs (Custom Mobs will roam the wild!)
📗 Custom Enchantments
⚒️ Custom Lucky Blocks with rarities (Achieved from breaking blocks, rewards based off rarity!)
🛒 Tons of Player Shops (Buy anything you may need!)
🏆 Leaderboard Room (Show the best of the best off at spawn!)
🐄 Golden Lasso (Lasso mobs into their respective egg form! Keeps all metadata)
🎄 Seasonal Serverwide Events
📚 A fully fledged Wiki with all the answers you need!
.. and that's just Towny. Skyblock will release later this year.


The server IP address for CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN is To get the server IP, please utilize the information on the left side of this page or simply copy and paste it into your in-game server browser.

How do I play on the CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN Minecraft server?

First launch Minecraft, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.

Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".

Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN.


The website for this server is

Here, you can find more about CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN. This website will direct you to CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN's server store, voting links, gaming news, and more!

Where is CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN Minecraft server hosting located?

The CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection. It is advised that you use the server closest to your location for an optimal gameplay experience.

What version does CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN server support?

CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN supports the following Minecraft Versions: 1.17

Depending on the server, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play on the server.

Which Minecraft Types and Game modes can I play on CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN?

On CRAFTYOURTOWN | TOWNY SLIMEFUN, you can play on the following types: Survival